Our Mission & Philosophy

Our Mission

Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart inspires young women to lead and serve,
through lives of purpose that integrate faith, intellect, community, social action,
and personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.


Our Philosophy

The philosophy of Sacred Heart education is framed by the assumption that education is transformational because students and educators are engaged in learning for the purpose of coming to self-understanding as those loved by God. Such self-understanding is not possible without intentional formation in critical thinking. Committed to educating to a deep respect for intellectual values, Schools of the Sacred Heart develop curricular and student life programs based on educational research and on-going evaluation. The intention is to inspire students both with a life-time long love of learning and a sense of hope.

- Conference of Sacred Heart Education, Network of Sacred Heart Schools

 The 5 Goals of Sacred Heart Education

The Goals and Criteria provide both the uniqueness of a Sacred Heart School and the strong bond of union among the Network of Sacred Heart schools. They continue to challenge all Sacred Heart educators to deepen their understanding of these timeless principles.

(Taken from the Goals and Criteria as published by
the Society of the Sacred Heart, Saint Louis, Missouri – 2020)

Goal I  • A Personal and Active
Faith in God  

The School seeks to form its students in the attitudes of the heart of Jesus expressed in respect, compassion, forgiveness and generosity.

Goal II • A Deep Respect for Intellectual Values

The School provides a rigorous education that incorporates all forms of critical thinking and inspires a life-long love of learning.

Goal III • A Social Awareness which Impels to Action

In our multicultural world, the School prepares and inspires students to be active, informed, and responsible citizens locally, nationally, and globally.

Goal IV • The Building of Community as a Christian Value

The School promotes a safe and welcoming environment in which each person is valued, cared for and respected.

Goal V • Personal Growth in an Atmosphere of Wise Freedom

Students grow in self-knowledge and develop self-confidence as they learn to deal realistically with their gifts and limitations.