Parent Engagement

Being an active volunteer at Stone Ridge helps us stay connected to our daughter, her classmates, her teachers, and other parents. It also gives us insight into her world, allowing us to lend her support academically, socially, and emotionally.
- Traci (Parent '26)


Building Relationships

Relationships with administrators, faculty, staff and families at Stone Ridge are nurtured through each Division's welcome coffees, back to school nights, the State of the School, and the new parent receptions at the Head of School’s residence.


Blue circle with Fathers Club in yellow and I am a stone ridge dad in white




Staying Informed

Informational curriculum nights and age appropriate topic discussions throughout the year provide ways for parents to connect and stay abreast of current topics of concern that support the educational, emotional and social well being of our students. Examples of events and topics held each year for parents include: Curriculum Presentations; Head of Middle School and Guidance Counselor discussion series; Grit, Perseverance, and the Pre-Adolescent Girl; Family Life; Guiding Our Daughters in A Digital World; class selection nights; STEAM Certificate Program information nights; Managing Stress; parent college nights; alumnae membership nights; and, Community of Concern events.


Celebrating Spirituality through Liturgies

We invite parents to participate in their child’s spiritual life through various divisional father-daughter, mother-daughter and family Masses during the school year, a weekly Mass after school on Wednesdays, and an annual Christmas Eve Mass in the Chapel.

mothers and daughters singing together in mater liturgy


Parents Bonfire



Socials with other parents and with your children help to foster community and show the importance of incorporating fun into one’s day-to-day life. Festive events include grade-level parent socials, monthly Fathers Club Carpool and Coffee, Stone Ridge Parent Association (SRPA) socials, the Parent Cocktails & Congé, Gator Game Days, Lower School Father/Daughter Dance, and Grades 1-12 Father-Daughter Field Day. We always welcome a special friend of your daughter if a parent cannot attend. 


Encouraging stewardship through volunteering and organizing fund-raising activities is yet another way for parents to be involved in the School and to socialize with current families and alumnae. Events include a yearly Golf & Tennis Classic, the Barat Reception (a volunteer and donor recognition dinner), and a biannual Gala.

W Wider Circle - Parent volunteers