Social Action
At Stone Ridge, service is not about changing the world but about laying the foundation
and tending the change for future generations to water and cultivate.- Samantha Crane '20
St. Madeleine Sophie Barat knew that when a child knows that she is loved by God she can transform the world. Every part of our Social Action program is rooted in this fundamental insight. Stone Ridge students recognize their capacity to transform, to become powerful agents of God’s love and compassion, and to step out of their comfort zones to serve the poor, marginalized, and suffering in our region and throughout the world.
Goal III
A Social Awareness which Impels to Action
In-school Activities
In all divisions a wide range of student social action initiatives occur throughout the year, which include fundraisers for particular causes or organizations, awareness-raising campaigns on local and global issues, and drives to collect food and home goods for families in our region.